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OK Initiatives, Inc.

Activity Log

Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. Don't miss out on an opportunity because you're not prepared. There is no shortage of opportunity. Everyday you're presented with countless opportunities to be, or do whatever you desire.

Your action plan is absolutely essential. To achieve success, you must have a plan and prepare for action. You must increase your knowledge and develop your skills. When you're prepared, you're always at the right place at the right time.

Plan prepare and track your daily activities. The Activity Log has been designed to help you plan and track your daily activities during the 100 days of The Core Challenge. When you track your daily activities, you will focus on your daily progress instead of the limitations from the past or worries about the future. When you stop limiting your thoughts; when you feel empowered and confident, then you free the power of your intuition to connect to the source of creativity and abundance.

Activity Log

Your 100 Days training requires succeeding in the following areas:

Core Hydration:

  • Avoid Coffee - Stimulants destroy the mind/body equilibrium.
  • Avoid Sodas - Artificial drinks create toxins.
  • Avoid Alcohol - Stimulants destroy the mind/body equilibrium.
  • Drink water regularly - Drink 8 glasses during the day (no artificial juices)
  • Practice Water Meditation - Hydrates the body and relaxes the mind.

Core Nutrition:

  • Master Juice - Daily breakfast. The recipe is explained in your Successthe end of this manual.
  • Avoid Junk food - Junk food drains your body energy and creates dangerous toxins in your body.
  • Avoid Chocolate - Stimulants destroy the mind/body equilibrium.
  • Avoid Red Meat - Makes joints and muscle stiff (if you want, eat red meat only once a week).

Core Exercise:

  • Morning Exercises - Follow the Mastermoves Core Training exercises from the DVD
  • Core Exercises - Practice the Body Endurance program

Core Hygiene:

  • Avoid Smoking - Smoking poisons your blood and develops cancer.
  • Practice Body Detoxification every other day - The 28-day Master Moves Detoxifying Juice Program is an excellent way to cleanse your body. The enzymes and nutrients that the Master Moves juices provide will clean out your liver, kidney, stomach and intestines
  • Soak Your Hands & Feet in Epsom Salt Water - Regular soaking in water with Epsom salts is a relaxing process that helps eliminate fungus and dead skin.
  • Wash Your Hands - Most infections that we contract, especially colds and gastro illnesses, come from germs on our hands.

Core Energy:

  • Daily Affirmation - Read and memorize the word and the affirmation of the day.
  • Intuitive Power - Listen to the CD Intuitive Power twice a day
  • Energizing Shower - Take a warm shower for 3 minutes and then a cold shower for 1 minute.
  • Avoid Stress - Set specific times aside to positively relax.
  • Challenge Others - Set a example for friends and family and promote The Core Challenge
  • Practice Kindness - Promote and pracipate in the Coins for Kindness program
  • Relaxing Shower - Take a hot shower ( 5 minutes) before going to bed
  • Meditation / Relaxation - Read inspiring books such as "Overcoming Obstacles"
  • Sleep 7 to 8 hours - Sleep deprivation affects your body energy and mental concentration.
Best Practices

As explained your manual, the following Best Practices must be followed during The Core Challenge:

  • Fitness - Improve your mental and physical well being.

  • Visualization - Practice Vision Boards to meditate and visualize your goals and objectives.

  • Persistence - Take daily action to achieve your goal.

  • Kindness - Share actively with people your Coin for Kindness campaign.

  • Intuition - Acknowledge your intuition by saying "thank you" when you get the results you want.

  • Attraction - Think and act like a winner..



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