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OK Initiatives, Inc.

Corporate Programs

The Core Challenge offers to all type of organizations the opportunity to learn and incorporate Best Practices in their daily operations or activities. As you will learn during The Core Challenge, Best Practices are proven principles taken from ancient techniques and modern science. This will allow them to improve in all aspect of their business: financially, operationally and strategically. In short, Best Practices will systematically improve the health and productivity of employees.

The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and testing, a desired outcome can be delivered with fewer problems and unforeseen complications. Best practices can also be defined as the most efficient (least amount of effort) and effective (best results) way of accomplishing a task, based on repeatable procedures that have proven themselves over time for large numbers of people. The Core Challenge is a source of daily inspiration and motivation based on the following Best Practices:

Management Best Practices

Management Best Practices applies to every human activity. The Core Challenge is designed to promote the learning and implementation of Management Best Practices, specifically in the use of resources (times, food, products and people) and the protection of our environment.

Management in all business, family and organizations are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, leading and controlling a group of daily activities for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.

One of the goals for The Core Challenge is to encourage the transition to a low-carbon, energy-efficient society that is based on consuming more regional produced healthy food and less unneeded toxic foods. This can be achieved with Best Practices.

This practice will protect the environment, reducing emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases, lowering energy costs and producing high-quality, safe, and affordable local food.

Fitness Best Practices

Fitness is everything from proper sleep to proper nutrition; from stress reduction to weight reduction, and from flexibility to balance and relaxation. Also, fitness is important because it helps your brain to function properly. The healthier and fitter your body is, the healthier your brain is going to be.

Fitness will help to strengthen your muscles and relieve mental and physical tension. Relieving tension alone can improve your thought patterns, sharpen your mind, and improve your creativity and productivity.

If you want to live longer you have to stop living a sedentary life and start moving. If you want to improve your health, your mind and your body, make sure to include physical exercise in your day.

As you will learn by practicing Core Training, physical exercise does not have to be done hours at a time; a few minutes every day is enough to make a positive difference in the quality of your life and general well-being.

Visualization Best Practices

Visualization Best Practices are the techniques of using your imagination to create a new reality. It means mentally giving form to ideas with our inner senses. Most people use their inner eye for this process, they translate their ideas into mental pictures and that is why imagining is often called visualization.

Visualization is using your imagination to see yourself in a situation that hasn't yet happened. Visualization is picturing yourself having or doing the things that you want, and successfully achieving the results that you desire.

By practicing visualization several times a day, your life can be enriched with the most fulfilling experience imaginable!

Whether you want to implement physical, mental, social, spiritual or environmental changes, Visualization Best Practices provides you with the information, strategies, and techniques that will turn your goals into reality.

Persistence Best Practices

Persistence is the ability to maintain action regardless of your feelings. This means doing what you have to do to reach your goal, regardless of your emotional state and the circumstances that you are facing.

As you will experience during the next 100 days, there is no sudden leap to success. This means that you will have to persist in reaching your goal even when you feel like quitting. Your success in completing this challenge will depend on pursuing and tracking your daily activities with persistence and integrity.

It's hard to overstate the value of Persistence Best Practices. This daily practice can do many things for you: generate high revenue, solve problems, and create great opportunities. During the next 100 days, you will practice persistence in reaching your goal, and with that, your success will be built brick by brick.

During this process, gradually and naturally, you will develop new habits by incorporating Persistence Best Practices as part of your daily activities.

Kindness Best Practices

Kindness is the act or the state of being kind and practicing charitable behavior, tenderness or concern for others. Kindness comes in many forms. It can be as simple as a smile or a complement.

Kindness Best Practices increase your sense of self-worth and provides greater happiness, and optimism. When you carry kindness in your heart and practice it daily, it rewards you with significant health benefits.

The importance of incorporating daily kindness into your daily life is the gift you give to yourself. Kindness feeds and fuels others to be kind. A common courtesy like holding the door or giving up your seat or place in line. It can be a planned activity in support of a cause like a drive or a dance or a dinner.

During the next 100 days, you are encouraged to lead by example to "raise the bar and set a higher standard" for yourself and the people around you. An element of The Core Challenge includes a daily act of kindness and a simple form of social responsibility.

Intuition Best Practices

Intuition is the ability to know things without the barriers of time, space, or any other obstruction. The intuitive person has a creative and sensitive mind that is able to perceive the invisible through hunches about future possibilities.

Intuitive people are often entrepreneurs, artist, inventors, and great leaders. To develop your intuitive power, you need to pay special attention to the way that you think, what you eat, what you drink, how you move, and everything that is important in your life. During the 100 days of The Core Challenge, many people began asking themselves "why am I doing this?" The reason is to develop an intuitive power for making good decisions and creating prosperous opportunities.

A powerful intuition is the result of having a healthy lifestyle. Intuitive people are constantly trying to grow and learn. They spend time with the right people and sharp people sharpen one another, just as iron sharpens iron. If you want to be an intuitive thinker, be around good thinkers.

Attraction Best Practices

The Law of Attraction states that you will attract to yourself whatever you give your focus, attention, and energy to, whether it is positive or negative. The law of attraction was clearly expressed by Napoleon Hill when he said, "We become what we think about."

The Law of Attraction applies to your life and every other person's life in our world. As you will learn in the next 100 days, attraction is a fundamental law in the universe that guides people's lives.

Like all laws, the Law of Attraction is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don't want it to. Once you understand how to use this law, nothing and no one can deny your success.

If you consistently think about being healthy, rich, and successful, gradually, that is exactly what you will be. Attraction is the underlying power behind successful people. Successful people solve problems. They always have innovated ideas that can help to create new products and services. They always have hope for better future.



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