100 Best Practices of Highly Successful People



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OK Initiatives, Inc.


Goals & Objectives

Successful people are intensely goal-oriented; they have the ability to identify what they want, make a plan to attain it and use the best tools, resources and strategies to achieve it.

Goals relate to our aspirations, purpose and vision. For example, I have a goal of becoming financially independent. This goal may have one or many objectives. For example, to become financially independent I would need to 1) get better education, 2) improve my savings and 3) get a better job.

When most people set goals, they want and expect instant results. When this doesn't happen, these people become insecure and stop pursuing their goals; this is also what happens to people who embark on unrealistic fitness programs. Setting goals is not just about making a list of the things that you want or wish to happen. A goal is a very specific aspiration or ambition that emerges from your desires, beliefs and values, as shown in the diagram.

Setting you Goals

The process of setting goals begins by determining your desires, beliefs and values. This process is explained in your training manual and you will learn how to use this process to win this challenge.

One might wonder why we need to establish objectives in the first place, why not let a company or a specific activity just run smoothly into the future and see where it gets.

That would be the case only if we really do not care whether the activity in discussion will be successful or not: but then, to use a popular saying, "if something deserves to be performed, then it deserves to be performed well".

In other words, if we don't care for the results, we should not proceed with the action at all.

Top 10 Personal Goals

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and to motivate yourself to turn this vision of the future into reality.

The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. Here are the top 10 personal goals that most people consider for The Core Challenge:

1. Lose Weight
2. Excellence in Your Work
3. Financial Freedom
4. Building a Loving Family
5. Travel the world
6. Excellent Physical and mental Health
7. Get a Better Education
8. Quit Smoking & Alcohol
9. A Comfortable, Loving Home
10. Rest, Relaxation and Recreation

Setting Your Objectives

The most well known method for setting objectives is the S.M.A.R.T. way, the SMART approach is well understood amongst managers, but is poorly practiced. S.M.A.R.T refers to the acronym that describes the key characteristics of meaningful objectives, which are:

  1. Specific (concrete, detailed, well defined)
  2. Measurable (numbers, quantity, comparison)
  3. Achievable (feasible, actionable)
  4. Realistic (considering resources)
  5. Time-Bound (a defined time line).

Setting objectives before taking The Core Challenge is the only right thing to do, for several reasons:

  1. Gives you a target to aim to, therefore all actions and efforts will be focused on attaining the objective.
  2. Gives you a sense of direction of where you’re going to.
  3. Motivates you to achieve your goals.
  4. Offers the means to evaluating the success of your activities.



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Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiatives, Inc - 1996 - 2012