Best Practices for Personal Excellence

Manuals - Resources

Achieving your goal for The Core Challenge, just like manifesting a dream, begins by setting an intention. Your intention will assist you in taking great control of your life. During The Core Challenge, you have to think and act with intention. Your daily intention could be to eat healthy foods, to work more productive, to sleep 8 hours daily, or to find a new career that you are passionate about. It could be to build better relationships with your clients, or to spend more quality time with loved ones or alone. It can be specific and about something in particular or more like a quality, such as to be more relax or kind with people. The following manual are designed to help you stay on track and motivated to win de challenge day by day.

My Success Log (124 p. tracking manual)

The Core Challenge comes with a step-by-step instructional manual that will guide you day-by-day towards your fitness success.

This manual presents a daily Best Practice and CHECK LIST of everything you you have to do during the 100 Days Core Challenge. You will receive your tracking manual once your registration is accepted.

100 Best Practices of Highly Successful People (156 p. training manual )

The main goal in this book is to share with you a number of techniques that are the key in developing a lean, strong and beautiful body. We will share with you stories of how successful people have found these techniques, and we will explain the philosophical and ethical principles underlying the practice of health and fitness.

Internet Core Challenge Support

You can download manuals, e-books and reports on fitness and wellness such as:

• How To Build Your Body Sweat-Free - any time and any where in less than 15 Minutes a day!

• The Ultimate Core Training Tools
• How To Get "Fit-Fast"
• How Start Your First Vision Boards for Fitness and Richness
• 3 Ways To Instantly Relax And Grow Smart.






Need Motivation?
Sign up for our free email newsletter and learn how to live a healthy and prosperous life. Our videos and articles will inspire and guide you to eat the right foods, get fit and look fabulous.

Copyright 2012

Core Training - Core Salsa - Postura Bookrest - MasterQuotes

Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiatives, Inc - 1996 - 2012