Management Best Practices

“Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.”
Epicurus quotes (Greek philosopher, BC 341-270)

Management Best Practices is a cost-effective way to meet our current and future demand for energy in the form of electricity, petroleum, natural gas and minerals while reducing emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases, lowering energy costs, and improving the reliability and security of the energy system.

Management Best Practices suggest that avoiding processed food will reduce waste, save time and money, and protect our environment at the same time. Also, choosing locally produced food reduces the need to move and transport large amounts of unneeded food around the world and therefore reduces pollution.

The distribution of food across the world in cars and truck adds to pollution, congestion and climate change. For instance, the environmental cost of moving food in the UK was as much as £9bn a year, around half of it due to congestion. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs report said that 25% of all miles covered by heavy goods traffic was to move food. The quantity of food moved by road has doubled since 1974, the report said.

How well do you manage your environment?

Read the following Management Best Practices and answer the questions below:

Purchase products and services that enhance the quality of your life.

Protecting the environment means more than preventing pollution and cleaning up our messes. Avoid using chemical sprays in the garden - some of these can be poisonous to wildlife.

Organic matter e.g. potato peelings, left over food, tea leaves etc. can be transferred straight to a compost heap in the garden and used as a good natural fertilizer for the plants.

Best Practices require improvements in product design, technology and operations.

Conserve electricity or heat. Electricity and heating are produced by burning coal, oil and gas and this action gives off carbon dioxide.

Donate your old clothes to charity shops. Some are sold, others are returned to textile mills for recycling.

Avoid buying plastic. It's difficult to recycle. One way to cut down on plastic is to refuse to use carrier bags offered by supermarkets. Ideally use strong, long lasting shopping bags.

Use less energy by switching off lights when rooms are not in use. Avoid wasting hot water, overheating rooms and boiling more water than necessary when making a cup of tea!

Car fumes produce carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide - therefore cut down on car journeys if possible. Use a bike or walk - it's good exercise for you too!

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1: Which of the following sentences is true? Explain why?

A- We need the rainforests to absorb carbon dioxide and remove it from the air.
B- Recycle as much of your waste as you can.
C- Don't buy over-packed goods. Many things we buy have unnecessary amounts of plastic and paper around them.
D- We all have a responsibility for our environment. We must learn to live in a sustainable way.


2: Which of the following sentences is false? Explain why?

A- Cut down on how much meat you eat. Meat consumption has risen and farm animals, especially cattle produce methane.
B- Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we seem to hear of yet another problem affecting the environment.
C- We must keep the world in good condition so that future generations will enjoy the same natural resources we have.
D- Air is damaged by the fumes from vehicles.

3: Which of the following sentences do you like the most? Why:

A- Avoid using chemical sprays in the garden - some of these can be poisonous to wildlife.
B- Much of our waste is made up of glass, metal, plastic and paper.
C- Much of what we throw away could be used again.
D- Oils spills pollute sea water and kill marine life.

4: Which of the following sentences you think irrelevant? Why:

A- We can phase out bottled water in favor of filtered tap water.
B- We can print all of our documents on recycled paper whenever possible.
C- In lieu of cards, we can make donations to charitable causes.
D- Buy products from local farms.






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