Best Practices for Personal Excellence



Until you discover the purpose of your life, you are living a life of limitations. Rise and be great, do the great things you were meant to do. Look deep inside you, and when you do find your purpose in life, you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

Find a quite place to shape your thoughts and create clear goals. Look deep inside you. Ask questions about your purpose in life. One of the best ways to do that is to put your goals in writing. As you write them down think about your purpose in life. All of the time and effort you put into writing your goals will result in a solid action plan that you can follow to achieve your goals and develop personal success.

Once you have created, shaped, stretched, and landed your goals, your purpose in life will be clear. To get things done, you need a clear purpose in life. Every day you can attract the events to live your life with purpose. Every day, there is work to be done. Every minute, there is value to be created. There is great value that can be created at this very moment. There are problems that can be solved, processes that can be enhanced and endless way to explore yourself and discover your purpose in life.
Finding your purpose in life is about having clear goals.

Your goal must be something that you crave and want with all of your heart and soul. One secret of goal creation and achievement is found through working with your intuition. Trust your intuition and choose to take the actions that will turn your goals into real and lasting achievements. Trust your intuition to discover your purpose in life.

Guidelines A: Before The Core Challenge
  1. Complete the form "My Goal & Resolution" - Send us this form by mail or FAX (604 643-6231). (100 points)

  2. Take your "Before" photos - Place "Before" photo on Appendix B of your manual My Success Log. (100 points)

  3. Track your daily successes - Follow the steps and tips explained in your tracking manual My Success Log. Each day, make sure you track your daily activities. (500 points - 5 points for each day where all the activities are completed)

  4. Challenge Others - Set an example for others, enjoy your daily success by sharing your experiences with your family and friends. Inspire them to take The Core Challenge. To win The Core Challenge you need to have at least 5 people registered in The Core Challenge under your name. (50 points per each person you challenge and is registered for The Core Challenge - 500 points (max.) for registrations over 10)

  5. Practice Kindness - Share with each person or entity about your Coins For Kindness Campaign. Ask and invite family and friends, colleagues and co-workers and places where you do business, to extend an act of kindness to help you achieve the goal you set. To win The Core Challenge the minimum amount of money you need to raise for charity is $100 or one dollar per day.
    - 2 points for each dollar in your campaign - 500 points (max.)
    for amounts over $250.
    - 2
    points for each act of kindness per day - 500 points (max.) over 250 act of kindness during the challenge.

Guidelines B: After The Core Challenge
  1. Take your "After" photos - After you've completed The Core Challenge, place "After" photos on Appendix B of your manual.
    (100 points)

  2. Share your personal success - After you've completed The Core Challenge, put your transformation into words. Write a short essay (500 words) describing the achievement of your personal goal. See Appendix F of your manual. (500 points)

  3. Send in your packet! - Within 15 days of the end date of The Core Challenge, we must receive all your forms completed (Appendix forms from your manual My Success Log.) Only the 5 best contestants will be required to submit their tracking manual - My Success Log.

  4. Send in your Coins For Kindness Campaign - Within 15 days of the end date of The Core Challenge, we must receive a FAX with the copy of the check of your donation to any charity organization you selected for your Coins For Kindness Campaign. (FAX 604 731-1097)

Keep up the good work! - To help you sustain fitness and prosperity, you can take The Core Challenge as many times as you want during the current calendar year.

Guidelines C: Winning The Core Challenge
  1. Registration - From January 1st. to December 31st.

  2. Deadline to complete the challenge - 100 days after your registration date.

  3. Selection of the 10 best contestants - Second week of April.

  4. Selection of the 5 best contestants - Third week of April.
    Announcement of the top 5 best contestants - April 30th.
    People can vote for the winner at

  5. Selection of the winner - The Winner of The Core Challenge will be determined by the number of votes received from May 1st. to May 31th.

  6. Announcement of the Winner - June 5th. The official announcement of winner will be in the home page of our website The winner will be announced in several forms of media (newspaper, TV and Internet.)

Important Rules To Win Points

The Core Challenge is intended to help you learning and adopting 100 Best Practices in the development and maintenance of your mental and physical fitness. This can be achieves day by day during 100 days of commitment to complete The Core Challenge successfully.

To qualify and win The Core Challenge you must commit to follow this program every day during the next 100 days according to these rules:

  • Make sure to track your daily activities using the tracking manual My Success Log.
  • My Success Log must be fully completed according to the instructions in page 10, "Tracking Your Daily Success."
  • Make sure to complete and send us copy of all the Appendixes from the manual My Success Log. This information must be sent by mail or FAX within 10 days of completing The Core Challenge.
  • Make sure to complete your Coins for Kindness Campaign according to the instructions from
IMPORTANT: If you are selected among the top 5 best contestants of The Core Challenge, you will be required to summit your tracking manual My Success Log. This manual will be reviewed by our judges and then returned to each participant.






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Copyright 2012

Core Training - Core Salsa - Postura Bookrest - MasterQuotes

Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiatives, Inc - 1996 - 2012