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OK Initiatives, Inc.


The art of problem solving.

Imagination or creative thinking is a fundamental element for success. Like any other skill, creativity and imagination grows with daily practice. Unfortunately, most of us nowadays have fallen into mental patterns or behaviors that do not encourage creativity and curiosity for problems solving.

Overexposure to television and video games hinders our natural mental creativity and fosters reactive behaviors. Gradually, our reactive thinking becomes dominant and diminishes our capacity to think creatively.
This seminar is about understanding what is good and bad for our creativity, and what is required to become a creative thinker.

In this seminar, you will learn:

  • Mental Relaxation
  • Knowledge
  • Imagination
  • Visualization
  • Problem Solving
  • Ideas in Action
Select Any Of Our Seminars

Throughout these seminars you will learn and practice the essential skills for prosperity. These skills will help you achieve and sustain prosperity in every or all areas of your life. Through the daily practice of these skills, success will become the norm in your daily activities.

For more information, click on the following links:




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